Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.
Five Foolish Virgins
on October 13th, 2024
The parable in Matthew 5:1-13 is about ten virgins who were waiting for thebridegroom to come. Five were wise because they had enough oil in their lampsbut five were foolish. They were called foolish because they thought they hadplenty of time to get ready for the return of the bridegroom. So many Christianstoday feel they have all the time they need to prepare for the Lord’s return. But theword t...  Read More
The Five Wise Women/Virgins
on October 6th, 2024
Recently I ministered on the Ten Virgins. In your time of devotional reading go to Matthew 25:1-13. This story told by Jesus Christ illustrates the importance of being prepared and ready for His return. The bridegroom in this parable is Jesus Christ, and the Church is portrayed as the bride of Christ. In a first-century Jewish wedding, the bridegroom and his close friends would leave his home to g...  Read More
Prayer Is Critical
on September 29th, 2024
Is your prayer life effective? Are you actually interceding for others according to the will of our Father? Do we even sit with Him and take the time to know what His will is for ourselves and others? As I pray for you, please read this short devotion; it surely gave me food for thought, and a heart and mind adjustment. Are we worshipping when we pray, lifting our minds up to know God’s thoughts? ...  Read More
The Sacrifice God Requires of You
on September 22nd, 2024
I once served as president at Northwest Family & Counseling Center in Redmond. At my departure I was given a priceless picture with Micah 6:8 inscribed: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” I still have that gift to remind me of what God requires of me personally. So often we think that ...  Read More
Dynamite Represents Power, Part 2
on September 15th, 2024
Jesus left every believer intentional and strategic guidelines to follow and one is to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. But this power cannot be manufactured; it takes supernatural ability to flow. To have that dynamite power in the Holy Spirit there must always be a surrendering of your life to Christ; In HIM we move and have our being. Decide ahead of time what you are willing to give up. J...  Read More
Dynamite Represents Power, Part 1
on September 8th, 2024
Back in the day I used to watch ‘Good Times’ and the eldest son, JJ, would always say ‘Dynamite.’ That was his expression when things would be in his favor. I was reminded of that word as I was watching the news when demolition began on an historic100-year-old building turned eyesore in Dayton Ohio. I watched as the implosion took place. People had a ringside seat as they watched history take plac...  Read More

