God Packaged a Woman with Skills
In my last blog I said I was going to dedicate May as ‘Mother’s Month.’ The reason is that, in actuality, Mother’s Day is every day. When I preached on Mother’s Day, I especially made a point to incorporate all women. Every woman is packaged with unique skills given only from God. One of those skills is the heart to love and care. “A kindhearted woman gains honor.” (Prov. 11:16)
The Bible speaks highly of mothers, and we play an important part in raising the next generation and having an impact on society. When we become mothers, we give up our lives, our sleep, showers, and our bodies. Like Jesus’ selfless act that marred His feet, hands, and side—mothers are marked with stretch marks, tears, and scars from the stitches. These simple marks identify how we give our lives selflessly; we give all of ourselves over to the task of partnering with God to raise up the next generation.
It pays to be a mom/woman who knows how to pray. This doesn’t mean perfection; it means she honors the Lord as best as she can in all she does. True perfection is when we see our loving Savior face to face, but until then, honoring God in all that we do is showing a willing heart of obedience. As our children were growing up, I asked God for wisdom on how to minister to them through different stages of their lives. I still ask for Godly wisdom as I minister to our children even though they are grown and have families of their own.
There are so many women who don’t have children. There is nothing wrong with not having your own children, just love on other children as if they were your own. There are those who have careers; yet, showering others’ children with love brings them much happiness. I have a wonderful, awesome, intelligent niece who loves on children as if they were her own. She rarely misses birthdays and never forgets a Christmas gift. As a matter of fact, she starts watching for gift sales at the end of July. She does this on top of being a radiologist and a Sergeant in the Army.
Whether the mothers in your life are grandmothers, stepmothers, bonus moms, adopted moms, family friends, or spiritual mentors, the scriptures are filled with treasures for you to glean from. Find your skill in giving into the next generation as only a woman of God can.
"Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." (Deuteronomy 4:9)
The Bible speaks highly of mothers, and we play an important part in raising the next generation and having an impact on society. When we become mothers, we give up our lives, our sleep, showers, and our bodies. Like Jesus’ selfless act that marred His feet, hands, and side—mothers are marked with stretch marks, tears, and scars from the stitches. These simple marks identify how we give our lives selflessly; we give all of ourselves over to the task of partnering with God to raise up the next generation.
It pays to be a mom/woman who knows how to pray. This doesn’t mean perfection; it means she honors the Lord as best as she can in all she does. True perfection is when we see our loving Savior face to face, but until then, honoring God in all that we do is showing a willing heart of obedience. As our children were growing up, I asked God for wisdom on how to minister to them through different stages of their lives. I still ask for Godly wisdom as I minister to our children even though they are grown and have families of their own.
There are so many women who don’t have children. There is nothing wrong with not having your own children, just love on other children as if they were your own. There are those who have careers; yet, showering others’ children with love brings them much happiness. I have a wonderful, awesome, intelligent niece who loves on children as if they were her own. She rarely misses birthdays and never forgets a Christmas gift. As a matter of fact, she starts watching for gift sales at the end of July. She does this on top of being a radiologist and a Sergeant in the Army.
Whether the mothers in your life are grandmothers, stepmothers, bonus moms, adopted moms, family friends, or spiritual mentors, the scriptures are filled with treasures for you to glean from. Find your skill in giving into the next generation as only a woman of God can.
"Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." (Deuteronomy 4:9)