Happy New Year 2024
“Here I Am!” (1Sam 3:5)
It’s wonderful to see a new year. So much happened in 2023. Some of the happenings were good, some negative, and some things I wish I could go back to and change. Hopefully, you do not go into the new year dragging guilt and regrets with you. Leave the ‘should have, could have’ in the previous year. Instead, you can enter the new year will joy, hope, excitement, and favorable expectations.
Entering a new year I am more aware of the valuable resource of time and how I have used it, especially as I get older. Your life is like chapters in a book in which you are the author; no one can tell it but yourself, and each new year adds another chapter. What will the pages of 2024 say about you? Will you squander the valuable resource of time, or will you make the days you have in 2024 memorable?
The Bible tells of Hannah who prayed for a son and promised to dedicate him to God. God answered her prayer and she gave birth to the Prophet Samuel. She acknowledged that Samuel belonged to God, so she took him to the temple to live with Eli, the priest of God. (1 Samuel 1:26-28). One night while Samuel was sleeping, the angel of the Lord called him by name. Samuel didn’t know it was the Lord, so he went to Eli thinking it was him who called. After doing this three times Eli told him it was the Lord, and when he hears the voice again say, “here I am.” That is what we need to say in 2024 “Here I Am!” (1Sam 3:5)
Let’s pray: Dear Lord, thank you for the blessing of seeing a new year. I will not dwell on the past but will look to 2024 as a new chapter in my life to become closer to You, to use my time wisely, and answer “Here I am” as I allow You to chart my course. In Jesus’ name, amen.
It’s wonderful to see a new year. So much happened in 2023. Some of the happenings were good, some negative, and some things I wish I could go back to and change. Hopefully, you do not go into the new year dragging guilt and regrets with you. Leave the ‘should have, could have’ in the previous year. Instead, you can enter the new year will joy, hope, excitement, and favorable expectations.
Entering a new year I am more aware of the valuable resource of time and how I have used it, especially as I get older. Your life is like chapters in a book in which you are the author; no one can tell it but yourself, and each new year adds another chapter. What will the pages of 2024 say about you? Will you squander the valuable resource of time, or will you make the days you have in 2024 memorable?
The Bible tells of Hannah who prayed for a son and promised to dedicate him to God. God answered her prayer and she gave birth to the Prophet Samuel. She acknowledged that Samuel belonged to God, so she took him to the temple to live with Eli, the priest of God. (1 Samuel 1:26-28). One night while Samuel was sleeping, the angel of the Lord called him by name. Samuel didn’t know it was the Lord, so he went to Eli thinking it was him who called. After doing this three times Eli told him it was the Lord, and when he hears the voice again say, “here I am.” That is what we need to say in 2024 “Here I Am!” (1Sam 3:5)
Let’s pray: Dear Lord, thank you for the blessing of seeing a new year. I will not dwell on the past but will look to 2024 as a new chapter in my life to become closer to You, to use my time wisely, and answer “Here I am” as I allow You to chart my course. In Jesus’ name, amen.