Words Carelessly Used Part 2
I remember an incident on the day Nate and I were married. We were all
celebrating and laughing when my four-year-old sister asked, “Is Gail coming back
home?” A family member answered her, “No, she’s never coming home again.”
My mom told me that my sister cried herself to sleep for several nights after that.
You see, my younger sister slept in my bed with me because it was always
comforting for her to sleep in ‘sissy’s big bed’. I share this incident because those
words were carelessly given to my sister without considering the impact they
would have on her.
Our words can heal or destroy the person or group that we are talking to. My
grandmother often said, “Be careful of the words you speak because you never
know which words you will have to eat, now or in the future.” Losing my mom
was a hard experience for me, so I understand the trauma of a four-year-old child
being told your best friend is never coming back! That was well over fifty-five
years ago, but some things pop up out of your memory bank at different times.
Several of our pastor friends have either died or have lost a family member. I
know I am not talking to a wall because I am sure that on this journey called life
there has been loss of many lives, if not now but perhaps in the near future. I
learned a valuable lesson from my father-in-law who transitioned to glory forty-
two years ago, “Treat people right so when looking at their casket or picture of
them at the funeral, you are not looking with eyes of regret.” Don’t regret any
unforgiveness or anger you held in the privacy of your mind. Don’t regret the times
of “should have, could have.” Instead, watch your words while they are still with
you and that those words reflect the love and grace of your God. Then you can
look on with compassion and sweet memories as you grieve their loss.
God’s word tells us how to interact with others: “Bear with one another and, if one
has a complaint against another, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you,
so you also must forgive” (Colossians 3:13).
I truly hope this blog helps someone to know they are not alone. During your time
of grieving know that God sees, God cares, and you are not alone. “Youve kept
track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, each tear entered in
your ledger, each ache written in your book” (Ps 56:8 The Message Bible).
“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 NKJV).
celebrating and laughing when my four-year-old sister asked, “Is Gail coming back
home?” A family member answered her, “No, she’s never coming home again.”
My mom told me that my sister cried herself to sleep for several nights after that.
You see, my younger sister slept in my bed with me because it was always
comforting for her to sleep in ‘sissy’s big bed’. I share this incident because those
words were carelessly given to my sister without considering the impact they
would have on her.
Our words can heal or destroy the person or group that we are talking to. My
grandmother often said, “Be careful of the words you speak because you never
know which words you will have to eat, now or in the future.” Losing my mom
was a hard experience for me, so I understand the trauma of a four-year-old child
being told your best friend is never coming back! That was well over fifty-five
years ago, but some things pop up out of your memory bank at different times.
Several of our pastor friends have either died or have lost a family member. I
know I am not talking to a wall because I am sure that on this journey called life
there has been loss of many lives, if not now but perhaps in the near future. I
learned a valuable lesson from my father-in-law who transitioned to glory forty-
two years ago, “Treat people right so when looking at their casket or picture of
them at the funeral, you are not looking with eyes of regret.” Don’t regret any
unforgiveness or anger you held in the privacy of your mind. Don’t regret the times
of “should have, could have.” Instead, watch your words while they are still with
you and that those words reflect the love and grace of your God. Then you can
look on with compassion and sweet memories as you grieve their loss.
God’s word tells us how to interact with others: “Bear with one another and, if one
has a complaint against another, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you,
so you also must forgive” (Colossians 3:13).
I truly hope this blog helps someone to know they are not alone. During your time
of grieving know that God sees, God cares, and you are not alone. “Youve kept
track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, each tear entered in
your ledger, each ache written in your book” (Ps 56:8 The Message Bible).
“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7 NKJV).