Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.

Five Foolish Virgins

The parable in Matthew 5:1-13 is about ten virgins who were waiting for the
bridegroom to come. Five were wise because they had enough oil in their lamps
but five were foolish. They were called foolish because they thought they had
plenty of time to get ready for the return of the bridegroom. So many Christians
today feel they have all the time they need to prepare for the Lord’s return. But the
word tells us that tomorrow is not promised. “Don't brashly announce what you're
going to do tomorrow; you don't know the first thing about tomorrow” (Proverbs
27:1 Message Bible).

The foolish took no replenishing supply of oil - church attendance, prayer life,
study of the word. ‘If I hang around them their anointing will rub off on me due to
association.’ In short, scripture does not support that type of mentality; rather, it
supports that our relationship with God is an individual affair.

This parable points out three important facts in our lives as followers of Jesus:

1.  Faithfulness: It’s an essential part of who He is, and we should strive to be like
Him. “God of the angel Armies, who is like You, powerful and faithful from
every angle?” (Psalm 89:8 MESSAGE)
2. Watchfulness: God’s Grace is in every corner of the earth. “The eyes of the
Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good” (Proverbs
3. Focus: Do not allow distractions to keep you from His calling. “Do not be
conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind”
(Romans 12:2).

All ten virgins were sleeping when the call came. It doesn’t matter what we’re
doing when Jesus returns. We may be working, eating, sleeping, or pursuing leisure
activities, but let us be doing it in such a way that we don’t have to “make things
right” (get more oil) when He comes. Be faithful and focused, prayed up and ready
for Jesus’ return.