Words Carelessly Used Part 1
I’m sure all of us have used the term, “good grief”, to denote something that is
either good or stressful. I have used that word repeatedly with no thought of its true
meaning. To me it was like a slang denoting something that was affecting me/us
mentally or emotionally but never associated the word with physical death. Several
of our friends have died in the past six months, both in Washington and out of
state. I know that they want to be with the Lord but it is still very painful. I
remember what my husband said at his father’s homegoing, “Dad has passed from
this physical life, but he is still alive in our hearts and memories. So, in that sense
he will live on forever.”
I am very familiar with loss of friends and especially the death of family members,
someone who has existed in your life that you can’t imagine being without. A
world without them might seem completely altered, even impossible to navigate
alone. My mother transitioned June 26, 2021. I did not think I grieved the loss
because there was so much to take care of, but the following month on July 4 th I
came down with the most hideous pain in my body and it was SHINGLES. The
grieving process can take a toll on one’s body. I thought I was handling her death
calmly, but in all actuality, I was trying to stay calm not only for those around me
but also because mom had left so much to take care of; I was literally exhausted for
a year. One night its reality hit me that I could no longer hear her voice or call her
just to talk and laugh like we used to. My best friend, my mom from her teenage
years was gone and never coming back!
There are many people who have lost loved ones or friends at one time or another.
The point is that the pain of loss is still a painful loss! The loved ones who have
transitioned from earth to glory would not come back to this life to ease our pain
even if they could! It is the folks who remain in this physical world who must deal
with the absence of our friend or loved one. It is only God who is able to help you
through their transition. I am not negating the support of others, but you are not
consoled twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and especially during the
midnight hours. Turn to Him and He will give you rest.
“Blessed be the Lord — day after day he carries us along. Hes our Savior, our
God, oh yes! Hes God-for-us, hes God-who-saves-us” (Ps 68:19-20 The Message
either good or stressful. I have used that word repeatedly with no thought of its true
meaning. To me it was like a slang denoting something that was affecting me/us
mentally or emotionally but never associated the word with physical death. Several
of our friends have died in the past six months, both in Washington and out of
state. I know that they want to be with the Lord but it is still very painful. I
remember what my husband said at his father’s homegoing, “Dad has passed from
this physical life, but he is still alive in our hearts and memories. So, in that sense
he will live on forever.”
I am very familiar with loss of friends and especially the death of family members,
someone who has existed in your life that you can’t imagine being without. A
world without them might seem completely altered, even impossible to navigate
alone. My mother transitioned June 26, 2021. I did not think I grieved the loss
because there was so much to take care of, but the following month on July 4 th I
came down with the most hideous pain in my body and it was SHINGLES. The
grieving process can take a toll on one’s body. I thought I was handling her death
calmly, but in all actuality, I was trying to stay calm not only for those around me
but also because mom had left so much to take care of; I was literally exhausted for
a year. One night its reality hit me that I could no longer hear her voice or call her
just to talk and laugh like we used to. My best friend, my mom from her teenage
years was gone and never coming back!
There are many people who have lost loved ones or friends at one time or another.
The point is that the pain of loss is still a painful loss! The loved ones who have
transitioned from earth to glory would not come back to this life to ease our pain
even if they could! It is the folks who remain in this physical world who must deal
with the absence of our friend or loved one. It is only God who is able to help you
through their transition. I am not negating the support of others, but you are not
consoled twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and especially during the
midnight hours. Turn to Him and He will give you rest.
“Blessed be the Lord — day after day he carries us along. Hes our Savior, our
God, oh yes! Hes God-for-us, hes God-who-saves-us” (Ps 68:19-20 The Message