Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.
The Unlimited Father
on June 18th, 2023
This month we celebrate Father’s Day. In my earlier years as a child, I never hadan opportunity to know my biological father. However, I had a stepfather who hada lot of emotional problems that resulted in total chaos in my home growing up.Then one day my mother put a stop to it all when she got tired of being abused anddivorced him. But in the meantime, I realized that I had a true father, and th...  Read More
The Benefit of Being Still
on June 4th, 2023
The day after Mother’s Day I had a second knee repair. When thetube was put down my throat before surgery, one of my vocal cords wasaccidentally damaged which caused my voice to become a whisper. The doctorssaid it would take two to three weeks before my regular voice comes back as longas I rest my vocal cords and not talk too much.It’s amazing when you realize how much you actually talk. I went t...  Read More
Fruit People
on May 28th, 2023
“You will know them by their fruits…. Even so, every good tree bears good fruit,but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad treebear good fruit…” (Matt. 7:16-20 NKJV).People experience our fruit by seeing us in action. They watch our character, levelof integrity, honesty, and the list goes on. Do we live in such a way that drawspeople to our Lord and Savior, Je...  Read More
Make Your House a Home
on May 21st, 2023
A couple of weeks ago, we had an opportunity to go to Atlanta Georgia to visit mysister-in-law who is in the hospital. It was a good trip and while we were there, Ipurchased a plaque that reads, ‘Family Makes This House a Home.’ That is whatwise men and women do; they make a house a home.Our society tells us that the more one owns the better person he or she is. They buythe biggest house and the l...  Read More
Happy Mother’s Day
on May 14th, 2023
Mother’s Day 2023 is here! My mother has gone to heaven and is rejoicing with allthe family who preceded her. Despite that, I still often think of her. I have knownand was brought up by only one mother; however, it is of great importance to me topoint out that being a mother is more than biological. Our society would be inworse condition if the step/adoptive mothers have not answered the call to r...  Read More
Words Carelessly Used Part 2
on May 7th, 2023
I remember an incident on the day Nate and I were married. We were allcelebrating and laughing when my four-year-old sister asked, “Is Gail coming backhome?” A family member answered her, “No, she’s never coming home again.”My mom told me that my sister cried herself to sleep for several nights after that.You see, my younger sister slept in my bed with me because it was alwayscomforting for her to...  Read More

