Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.
Abiding in His Presence
on February 18th, 2021
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, abide means to: bear patiently, endure without yielding, wait for, accept without objection, remain stable or fixed. My husband and my computer repair guy like to tease me about my computer skills in one way or another. “Wow, I never have that much trouble with mine or others folk’s computer!” If the truth be told, I don’t listen much to their comments. My ...  Read More
Patience Is a Virtue
on February 11th, 2021
My niece gifted me with a black tea kettle because I used mine at the last church campout. I offered my tea kettle so we could have hot water for tea without realizing what it would look like when I returned home. I am telling you about my tea kettle because tonight I feel like my brain is boiling over and the steam is shooting out my ears. Tonight finds me feeling extremely frustrated. I have bee...  Read More
Setting The Record Straight (Part 3)
on February 4th, 2021
According to Webster Dictionary, setting the record straight means to provide the facts about something that people have a false understanding or idea about. I am going to briefly share with you ‘fasting that pleases God.’ This blog is just the tip of the enormous subject on fasting. At the same time, my desire is to stir your mind and heart toward something that pleases God. I often think that we...  Read More
Setting The Record Straight (Part 2)
on January 28th, 2021
This is the second blog that I wish to set the record straight with fasting. In “Setting the Record Straight Part 1”, I shared how we at Victorious Life Christian Center have dedicated our first fruit, giving God the first of the twelve months, through a season of fasting. Today, I would like to briefly share with you ‘What Fasting Is Not.’ The prophet Isaiah was rebuking the children of Israel fo...  Read More
Setting The Record Straight (Part 1)
on January 21st, 2021
“Let me set the record straight.” I have heard this phrase since I was a child. Of course, I was listening to grown folks’ conversations, which was taboo and could get you in serious trouble! And, in our family, that was our household standard! It wasn’t until I became an adult that I realized the impact of setting the record straight. The Webster Dictionary defines setting the record straight as ...  Read More
What Will I Render to The Lord?
on January 14th, 2021
As we contemplate our 2021, our minds think on many things. Whatever we didnot achieve in 2020 perhaps we will in 2021. Paul had the right concept relating tomaterial possessions. No place in scripture do you find Paul moaning and groaningover what he did not have. His treasure chest was not of this earth, but in Heaven.“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Luke 12:34 KJV)I...  Read More

