Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.
Building Bigger Does Not Make You Better
on July 31st, 2022
In Seattle scaffolds and massive cranes seem to be everywhere you look. Our mindset here is the bigger the better, and he who buys the most airspace wins bigger and for sure better. The Seattle area is considered wealthy because of the millionaires living here who are associated with companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, and that is just to name a couple. As I observe new building constructions and...  Read More
Go With The Flow
on July 24th, 2022
It seems as if it has been forever since I sat down to focus and write my blog. Inthe scheme of things life has been weighty. It would be great to focus oneveryone’s life, but we only walk in our shoes and our shoes alone. During ourphone conversations, my mom would sometimes say in frustration, “I wishsomeone would step in and lift the burdens and frustrations off my shoulders.” As Ilistened to h...  Read More
Revenge is Poisonous
on July 17th, 2022
I have often heard the phrase, “Wishing revenge on someone else is like youdrinking poison and expecting them to die!” A revengeful heart eats the love andlife right out of you! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to become a Christ-follower and allour negative thoughts would go down the drain like dirty dish water? That woulduncomplicate so many things on this journey called life, but life is not that easy....  Read More
Jesus Knows Our Thoughts
on June 26th, 2022
It never ceases to amaze me the things that come to mind many years later.Recently, my husband bought a single apple, which was out of his norm. As I wassitting looking out my living room window, that one single apple crossed my mindand reminded me of the appendectomy I had over thirty years ago.I was about to leave for my six o’clock shift working for a company in GoldenValley, Minnesota when, al...  Read More
Life is Fragile
on June 12th, 2022
Currently, I have three dear friends who are dealing with cancer. I believe the mainthing that is strengthening them is prayers of the saints. Friends, your prayersmatter. You may not see instant results, but that doesn’t mean that God is notmoving. The only thing that can calm the rushing waters of life is prayer.Oftentimes, we wonder why is this happening to these sincere, God-fearing saints?I a...  Read More
God Packaged You with Skills and Talent
on June 5th, 2022
Many times, when I listen to singer, I say to myself, “Wow, if I could sing likethat!” I never was a person to covet someone else’s gifting, but that does not stopme from admiring their giftings and talent. However, getting wrapped up in beingthem robs you of yourself, and those around you are denied the privilege of seeingwho you really are and benefiting from your unique gifting and talents. Wan...  Read More

