Due to Covid-19 and the announcement from our government officials, all church service gatherings will be postponed till a later date.
Let Go and Let God
on September 18th, 2022
There are times in our lives when we try to manage things ourselves. We want to mentally figure everything out in an orderly fashion to make it all look organized. It is like we put God on the shelf and tell Him to rest because we have it under control. Have you ever been in that situation where you felt you had everything under control, and yet you feel a little tug in your spirit? You never thin...  Read More
Stronger Than a Lion (Part 2)
on September 4th, 2022
Whether we like it or not, the devil is a real personality who is looking for ways to destroy our lives. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings” (1 Peter 5:8-9 NIV). It is critical t...  Read More
Stronger Than a Lion (Part 1)
on August 28th, 2022
I am always fascinated by the strength and beauty of lions. Of course, I have never been in actual contact with a real lion except at the zoo. They are locked in their confined space, and I am on the outside in my free space. But never be fooled; there is an invisible lion that roams wherever they can get a foothold in, and that is in your mind. Whether we like it or not, the devil is a real perso...  Read More
The Beauty of Knowing Where Home Is
on August 21st, 2022
A dear friend of ours recently passed away. She was rushed to the hospital with heart issues. She was recovering so well that the doctors decided it was a good time to remove a cancer that was in her right side. Unfortunately, the cancer had attached to her other organs. There was nothing more the doctors could do but to notify the family that she had three weeks at the most. Despite the medical r...  Read More
Let God Make a Way
on August 14th, 2022
I do not know about you, but when I am going into uncharted areas where I have never been before, I get a little uneasy. The reason is that I could get lost in a paper bag! I’m not like my sister and brother who have excellent inner navigational skills. You could drop them off in the middle of the dessert and they would probably beat you back to the starting point. So, without saying, I need my GP...  Read More
God Desires Quality Not Quantity
on August 7th, 2022
When we moved to Seattle, I maintained a close relationship with a friend from Minneapolis even though we rarely talked on the phone. But when I would go back to Minneapolis, I would go to her house and we would laugh, drink iced tea, and talk for hours. It wasn’t the amount of words we spoke to each other, but it was the quality in our relationship that kept us close friends. I once thought God w...  Read More

