The Power of Words
on November 26th, 2023
What causes division in relationships? It comes from the heart which is the seat ofemotions. And when we verbalize our emotions we speak out or proclaim ourhearts. “A good person produces good deeds and words season after season. Anevil person is a blight on the orchard. Let me tell you something: Every one ofthese careless words is going to come back to haunt you. There will be a time ofreckoning... Read More
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
on November 19th, 2023
There is a song ‘DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY’, and it has a catchy tune that goeswith the words. That tune crossed my mind today because of the many things thatthe holiday season brings in. The major holiday events are Thanksgiving andChristmas and if your home is anything like ours you will have friends and familyflying in from other states to celebrate with you. Your mind is trying to puteverything in... Read More
Guard Your Heart
on November 5th, 2023
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” (Proverbs4:23).We live in chaotic times; there seems to be no peace anywhere. Our governmentis in a state of chaos and everywhere you look there is unpredictability. Thereseems to be no answers to solve the issues that the world is facing. As Christians,we can rely on God’s Word for our guidance. This verse emphasizes theimpor... Read More
Taking a Short Break
on August 6th, 2023
Greetings! In case you have been wondering about my sporadic blogs, it is time tobring things out in the open. For several months I have been dealing with someserious health issues. I had a left hip replacement and left knee repair, and so I havenot really been doing my best. That is the reason I find the need to respect you, myreader, and take a short leave of absence. By no means is this my way ... Read More
Personalized Pity Party
on July 16th, 2023
I am sure in one way or another during your lifetime you have had a pity party. Icall it a “personalized pity party” because you are the only one that comes. We mayhave a personalized pity party because things didn’t go right on the job, arelationship went haywire, a serious health issue arose, we suffered financialhardship, someone misjudged us, or our suggestions were turned down.If you haven’t ... Read More
Fruitful or Fruitless Part 2
on July 9th, 2023
“O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to beenvied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him” (Psalms 34:8 AMP).Christ’s intent is for every child of God to live a fulfilled life in their relationshipwith God the Father, and a fruitful life while here on earth. But sadly, not everyonewalks in the freedom that is offered. Many give in to the lies of the en... Read More